About company


where sustainability meets innovation

Our unwavering commitment to sustainability drives everything we do. 

 With an unwavering focus on the core values of integrity, innovation, excellence, collaboration, and empowerment, we proudly stand at the forefront, spearheading the advancement of cutting-edge renewable energy solutions. Our commitment to these principles drives our relentless pursuit of a sustainable future, where each endeavor is meticulously crafted to pave the way for a greener tomorrow. Our dedication to integrity ensures that every action we take is grounded in honesty and transparency. Through innovation, we continuously push the boundaries of what is possible, harnessing the latest technologies and methodologies to create efficient and effective energy solutions.

Our philosophy

our mission

We are here to provide accessible, reliable, and environmentally-friendly energy solutions through the widespread adoption of photovoltaic technology. We are committed to delivering exceptional service, leveraging our expertise and passion to empower individuals, communities, and businesses to embrace renewable energy and reduce their carbon footprint. Through continuous innovation, collaboration, and a steadfast dedication to sustainability, we strive to create a brighter, cleaner, and more sustainable world for generations to come.

We are here to lead the transition to a sustainable future by harnessing the power of renewable energy, particularly through innovative photovoltaic solutions, and to be recognized globally as a pioneering force in the clean energy industry.

Our company’s core values revolve around sustainability, integrity, innovation, excellence, collaboration, and empowerment. We are deeply committed to promoting environmental stewardship, conducting our business with unwavering honesty, pushing the boundaries of innovation, striving for excellence in all endeavors, fostering collaboration for greater impact, and empowering individuals and communities towards a sustainable future.


What we

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our team

We are a group of passionate professionals dedicated to advancing sustainability through photovoltaic solar energy. Our mission is to embrace innovation and sustainability, offering clean and reliable energy solutions for a better world.

We are committed to delivering high-quality services backed by deep industry knowledge and extensive experience. Each member of our team brings specialized skills and a sincere commitment to the environment and the community. Our clients’ trust is our priority, and we strive to exceed expectations through dedicated and professional work. We are here to drive change towards a more sustainable future.

By choosing our team, you choose quality, reliability, and a tangible commitment to a better world for future generations.

Let’s Get in Touch

Contact details

Phone: +39 02 8717 8212

E-mail: info@rebee.it

Registered Office

Piazzale Luigi Cadorna, 6 – Milano (MI) – Italy

Operating Office

Piazzale Città di Lombardia, 1  – Milano (MI) – Italy

Via Nazionale, 529 – Roseto Degli Abruzzi (TE) – Italy

VAT/P.IVA/CF 12434690967 – REA – MI – 2661738

Capitale sociale €100.000 i.v.